Lantern Parade Liven International Red Cross Day

Jakarta Hundreds of people carrying white lanterns bearing the Red Cross Indonesia (PMI). They then lined up and paraded it aroundJakarta carrying lanterns.

Approximately 750 people joined in the army was carrying lanterns.They are personnel of the Red Cross Youth (PMR), volunteers, staffand representatives of national associations in Jakarta. Hundreds of people were dressed in white compact with the inscriptionbearing the Red Cross 'Youth on the Move' in the chest.

Anniversary of the International Red Cross was held at City HallJakarta, Jl Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta, Tuesday (08/05/2012) night. The event begins with the attraction of a marching band ofThe Institute of Shipping Marunda, North Jakarta.

In his speech, Governor of Jakarta, Fauzi Bowo said the theme ofthe International Red Cross Day today is very interesting. According to him, the young generation must become agents of change andshow commitment, and ready to carry out high morale according tothe principles of the Red Cross.

"Let us make the lantern as a symbol of social solidarity thatcontribute to positive change and have a high concern for others," said Fauzi.

Meanwhile, Jusuf Kalla, who is Chairman of the PMI in his speechcalled the young man holding a big role. They have the leadership, backbone, and full of passion to run a humanitarian actions.

"They are agents of change to make improvements among themselves and in society," said JK.

Fauzi and then remove the line JK-moving parade of lanterns andtake the route from Jakarta to City Hall Jl MH Thamrin, Kebon Sirih,Tugu Tani, Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan, and ends at City Hallagain.

